Auto insurance laws vary state to state, and although New Hampshire does not require every driver to obtain insurance, individuals are required to pay for the cost of bodily injury and property damage if they cause an accident. Purchasing auto insurance is a smart financial precaution to take to avoid paying out of pocket for major costs associated with an accident.
Thinking of moving to Wolfeboro, Portsmouth, or any New Hampshire town this summer? Follow these 5 steps to get on track with state motor vehicle laws:
1. Establish residency. Once residency has been established, you are eligible for a New Hampshire driver’s license and must obtain one within 60 days. You can obtain one in person at the nearest DMV.
2. Register your vehicle. You can register your vehicle at your town clerk’s office by providing proof of ownership of the vehicle and residency, the odometer reading of the vehicle, and pay the required fee. This also must be done within 60 days of establishing residency.
3. Get your vehicle inspected. New residents have 10 days after registering a vehicle to get a safety and emissions inspection with an Official Authorized Inspection Station.
4. Update your auto insurance. Moving to a new state is a great opportunity to reevaluate your current auto insurance coverage with our local agency conveniently located in Portsmouth and Wolfeboro. Our agents will help ensure that you abide by the state requirements and are adequately covered.
5. Enjoy the rest of your summer! Let the agents at Avery do the shopping for you so you can enjoy your New Hampshire summer!
Tip: Save time and review a list of the correct documents to bring with you when going to register your vehicle and obtain a new license!